✅Logistics for nutritional supplements: Characteristics and challenges

Posted by Publicado por Paula Cuervo on Jul 11, 2024 11:34:24 PM

In today's fast-paced world, more people are turning to dietary supplements to manage daily stress and maintain their health. With the rise in health consciousness and the popularity of dietary alternatives like vegetarianism and veganism, the demand for nutritional supplements has surged. These products often become staples in consumers' lives, making them perfect for monthly subscription boxes. At Lógicos, we’re ready to be your ideal logistics partner, ensuring smooth operations for your supplement e-commerce business. If you’re struggling with logistics management, read on!

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Topics: Industry-Specific Logistics

✅Logistics for Hazardous Goods: What is ADR?

Posted by Publicado por Paula Cuervo on Jul 9, 2024 2:04:34 PM

Transporting and storing goods that pose a danger to humans requires a robust identification system to ensure that those handling such products take the necessary precautions to avoid serious harm. This identification system uses labels with various symbols and colors to indicate the level of danger associated with the handled goods. In this article, we will delve into what ADR is and how the transportation and handling of hazardous goods are managed. If you’re unfamiliar with this term and want detailed information on the topic... keep reading!

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Topics: Fulfillment Basics for Ecommerce

✅Understanding the Cost Structure at Lógicos

Posted by Publicado por Paula Cuervo on Jul 4, 2024 3:45:42 PM

For many people, understanding the cost structure of a logistics provider can be tricky. With so many variables and hidden fees, it can easily become confusing. At Lógicos, we aim to offer clear, simple, and transparent pricing that is fair for everyone. In this article, we'll break down the five key components of our cost structure so you can understand what to expect in just a few minutes.

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Topics: Get to Know Lógicos

✅Logistics for the Beauty Industry: Characteristics and Challenges

Posted by Publicado por Paula Cuervo on Jun 27, 2024 12:21:36 PM

Imagine waking up one day to find that everyone around you is more conscious about their skincare routines and personal hygiene than ever before. This isn't a futuristic scenario—it's happening right now. Over the past few years, personal care and hygiene products have seen exponential growth. Though the pandemic in 2020 caused a temporary slowdown, some categories, like skincare, have thrived, riding the wave of changing consumer habits.

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Topics: Industry-Specific Logistics

✅Understanding Cash on Delivery: Key Insights for Your E-commerce

Posted by Publicado por Paula Cuervo on Jun 21, 2024 5:24:54 PM

Imagine a shopper browsing through your online store, filling their cart with items they love but hesitating at the checkout page. They might not be ready to commit to an online payment due to various concerns. This is where offering Cash on Delivery (COD) can make a significant difference. Not only does it cater to those who prefer paying upon receipt, but it also builds trust and can ultimately boost your sales. Curious about how COD works and how it can be implemented in your e-commerce business? Let’s explore everything you need to know to make this payment method a valuable part of your strategy.

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✅Apparel Ecommerce Logistics: Essential Insights and Strategies

Posted by Publicado por Lógicos 3PL on Jun 14, 2024 3:16:56 PM

Since the early days of ecommerce, clothing businesses have been at the forefront of online commerce. Starting a clothing brand back then seemed relatively straightforward: choose quality garments and brand them. However, sustaining a clothing brand today is far from simple. To remain competitive and appealing to consumers, your brand must offer emotional value beyond just the physical product features. Crucially, it must manage reverse logistics. This is where Lógicos steps in as the ideal partner to handle the intricate logistics operations of your clothing ecommerce. If you're grappling with operational challenges in your online clothing store, read on!

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✅ The importance of real-time inventory visibility for efficient management

Posted by Publicado por Lógicos 3PL on Jun 16, 2023 2:48:07 PM

In the world of commerce and logistics, having real-time inventory visibility is essential for efficient management. Having accurate and up-to-date information about product availability allows for informed decision-making and better customer service. Therefore, in this article, we will explore the importance of real-time inventory visibility and how it can help optimize business operations.

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✅ Key points to improve your inventory control

Posted by Publicado por Lógicos 3PL on Jan 14, 2022 3:35:17 PM

Inventory control in your ecommerce is one of the most important parts of your business, or at least it should be.

Imagine you highly rated product, which everyone wants and at a very competitive price. Your online shop reflects that there are 10 units of this product left and the last 10 have been sold. However, when you proceed with the preparation of orders, you realise that you only have 7 units left in stock.

This can result in negative reviews, loss of customers or a bad reputation for your online shop, and you don't want that. That's why optimising your inventory control is essential for your ecommerce to succeed.

There is a lot of information about how to manage inventories, as it is an activity that has been done since the industrial revolution. In this article we are going to explain what elements you should take into account when it comes to improving your ecommerce inventory control.

Know your business

Knowing your business is a fundamental aspect of your ecommerce inventory control. How much merchandise do I order, when do I order it, and how often do I order it? If you don't know how to answer these questions, you may be wasting time and money.

  • Estimating your sales: If your shop has been open for a while, you can estimate the sales you expect to have at certain times. For example, in summer, do you sell more or less, and at Christmas, how much do you expect your sales to increase on days like Black Friday? Making predictions of how your demand may fluctuate helps you to know what is the optimal amount you should have in stock to face these peaks successfully.

  • Know your products: Which products do you sell most frequently (have the highest turnover)? Which products sell more sporadically? Do you have seasonal products? Products with a higher turnover will require more frequent orders from the supplier and more control over the stock available in case of unforeseen events. On the other hand, managing the frequency of orders will help you reduce the time your products are sitting in the warehouse. This means more efficient organisation, reduced storage costs and no loss of product value.

  • Minimum inventory stock: Also called minimum viable quantity, this is the amount of products that you must have in the warehouse to continue selling while your new merchandise is coming in, avoiding stock-outs (running out of product). When the quantities in your warehouse are not large, calculating this quantity by eye is quite easy. However, when dealing with larger quantities, it is advisable to use computer programmes for a more accurate calculation.

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✅ Amazon Seller Central: What is it and how does it work?

Posted by Publicado por Lógicos 3PL on Dec 17, 2021 2:37:48 PM

We all know Amazon for being the marketplace of reference, both for the final consumer and for the majority of B2C sellers. Amazon offers sellers different options to sell their products on the marketplace: Amazon Seller Central and Amazon Vendor Central. Each of these options has its advantages and disadvantages, depending on your goals as a seller. In the following paragraphs, we will explain what Amazon Seller Central consists of and what are the differences with Amazon Vendor Central.

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✅ 7 Ways to Reduce Shopping Cart Abandonment

Posted by Publicado por Lógicos 3PL on Jul 22, 2021 12:40:47 PM

It is clear that the future of companies lies in creating a good brand identity in the online world. In recent years, ecommerce and the proliferation of shops born directly in a digital environment are unstoppable. In fact, it is this broad demand that makes companies compete to position themselves in one market or another. If customers don't have a compelling reason to stay in your online shop,they will leave just as quickly as they arrived.

We know there are hundreds of little things to keep in mind, but that's why we're here! Today we want to bring you a series of tactics that will make the buying process go smoothly. Without further ado, here are the 7 ways to reduce shopping cart abandonment.

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